Does anyone remember all those? There was so much. In hindsight, I think FF was also my first foray into yaoi fandom, in the form of some random Cloud/Sephiroth fanfic I came across as a teen. My dreams will have to live vicariously through fanart instead! u_uĪs would be Tidus and Wakka, if only Yuna wasn't there being so cute for Tidus. Old habits die hard!Īuron/Jecht is part of my personal canon. Oh well, I'm sure I'll pick up the next one when it comes out anyway.
It occurred to me while making this post that the last game in the series I genuinely enjoyed was FFX. My feelings about Final Fantasy are actually rather ambivalent these days. I'm not even gonna introduce the characters for you! Yeah, that's right! Not even Snow here! The pictures aren't gonna be organized by game or anything this time. A special weekend mega-post! Final Fantasy themed!