For example, if your son said something mean to his sister, ask him how he could make it up to her by doing something nice for her. Have the child make amends if they wronged someone. For example, if your child is resisting getting dressed, say 'You can put on your shirt first or your pants first.' Let the child choose between two or three options that you are okay with. (If they are too young to clean or pay for it, you can do it together with them.) This teaches them to fix their own mistakes. Tell the child to clean up a mess they made, fix something they broke, or pay for a broken thing they can't fix.
But don't startle your child too much or else they might start a temper tantrum or argue back. For a young child, clap your hands loudly enough to startle them. For example, 'we do not throw snowballs at people's faces.' Give a short, clear response to them in a stern voice. X Research source X Research source X Research source X Research source Spanking should never be a first resort, and there are other ways to handle misbehavior. Firmly and patiently tell them what needs to happen. Look at non-physical consequences if needed.